Women's Embodied Wellness

 The power of affirmations in birth is something I believe in! 

I used birth affirmations during my own labor in December 2020 and I love using them for my clients! The affirmations I am drawn to the most focus on the inherent strength of the body, the innate wisdom stored in our DNA from all the women who have birthed before. 

 Giving birth can be difficult whether it happens at home or in a hospital, it begins naturally or you are induced, you have a vaginal birth or c-section. It can be physically taxing and emotionally exhausting. However, it’s not all screaming, sweating, shaking, and cursing like in the movies. With the right tools and mindset, birth can be an empowering, transformative experience.  The purpose of affirmations is actually quite simple: Birth affirmations are sayings or statements designed to change your mindset and help you maintain a positive outlook or mood regarding the birth process. One study, published in 2016, suggests that affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to change and adapt throughout life. 

During labor a woman is suspended between reality and the spirit as new life is coming through her body. Our minds are so powerful, and affirmations help calm the mind and body to allow things to unfold as they should. Focusing on affirmations is a great motivational tool during labor and provides encouragement.

 I use affirmations along with breathing techniques to relax the mind and body, help mama feel calm and in control, and keep the good vibes and oxytocin flowing. As your doula, my role is to support you in whatever way you need, from physical touch to essential oils, affirmations, breathing, and position changes. Being a witness to the magical process that is birth is an honor that I treasure. I love being a doula and supporting women on their journey to baby. 

our organic herb blends

Vaginal steaming has been used for healing in many cultures throughout history. Here at Women’s Embodied Wellness, we believe in the power of herbs to facilitate healing and the beauty in connecting with your body and supporting it through all the stages of your life.
